Monthly Archives: February 2012

Welcome Zombies!

Z-composition is a bi-monthly literary e-zine with a yearly print anthology slated to launch in 2012. We publish a vast expanse of obscure mischief, necro-style, organic phenomenon, decay and fragmentation of reanimation, sci-fi, dream like, fantasy, horror, thriller, dark, comedy/humorous, how many more words can we use. We publish all/most styles of poetry, prose, flash fiction, art, and photography (word limits on ‘submit’ page). New and established writers are welcome.

Sure we like and appreciate zombies, but this site is not centered around them. This is just really a place for them to hang out since no one wants them elsewhere. However the editors do keep them behind the fence, locked away for their own protection. Remember what the zombies tailor has to say could be more fun. Make us laugh out loud.

Z-composition@wordpress is slated to host a wide variety of essays and articles and welcome submissions from the public in this area, submit to us:

We are also looking for like minded and related companies to sponsor our yearly anthology ‘Eat More Brains’. If you are interested in being on our side panel please contact us:

It’s nice to know that ordinary Zombies have evolved and are seeking out literary knowledge to their daily horde gatherings. Please check out our main site and see what other delights we are constantly adding to the site!

Z-composition Magazine